Registration & continental breakfast 8:00 – 9:00am
Opening remarks: Katie Rice, Marin County Supervisor
“The Worst Is Yet to Come But So Is The Best: Pollinator Gardening, Biodiversity, and Our Role in Building 21st Century California,” Dan Gluesenkamp, Executive Director, California Native Plant Society
“The Soil Sponge,” Diana Donlon, Director, Soil Centric
“Biodiversity and Climate Change: The Missing Links,” Paul da Silva, Professor, Life and Earth Sciences, College of Marin
“Creating Healthy Habitat in the Urban Environment: Low Input, High Impact,” Patricia Algara, ASLA, BASE Landscape Architecture and Co-founder, With Honey in the Heart
“Watershed Approach to Landscaping,” Keith Bancroft, Water Conservation Supervisor, Marin Municipal Water District
“A Less Toxic Approach to Gardening,” Suzanne Bontempo, IPM Educator, Our Water Our World
“Defensible Space, Vegetation Management, and Home Hardening to Reduce Wildfire Impacts,” Todd Lando, Executive Director, FireSAFE Marin
“Using Native Plants for Fire Resistant Landscapes,” Greg Rubin, Founder, California’s Own Native Landscape Design
Panel discussion and Q&A on topics related to balancing the sometimes conflicting messages of fire prevention, preservation of biodiversity and conservation of resources
Wine and cheese reception 4pm