In Youtube, search for “Home Landscaping in a Changing Climate, Part (enter a number) or use links below. Note: some presentations span multiple videos but are in numerical order.
Opening remarks: Linda Novy, Marin Conservation League President; Katie Rice, Marin County Supervisor
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“The Worst Is Yet to Come But So Is The Best: Pollinator Gardening, Biodiversity, and Our Role in Building 21st Century California,” Dan Gluesenkamp, Executive Director, California Native Plant Society
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“The Soil Sponge,” Diana Donlon, Director, Soil Centric
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“Biodiversity and Climate Change: The Missing Links,” Paul da Silva, Professor, Life and Earth Sciences, College of Marin
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“Creating Healthy Habitat in the Urban Environment: Low Input, High Impact,” Patricia Algara, ASLA, BASE Landscape Architecture and Co-founder, With Honey in the Heart
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“Watershed Approach to Landscaping,” Keith Bancroft, Water Conservation Supervisor, Marin Municipal Water District
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“A Less Toxic Approach to Gardening,” Suzanne Bontempo, IPM Educator, Our Water Our World
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“Defensible Space, Vegetation Management, and Home Hardening to Reduce Wildfire Impacts,” Todd Lando, Executive Coordinator, FIRESafe MARIN
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“Using Native Plants for Fire Resistant Landscapes,” Greg Rubin, Founder, California’s Own Native Landscape Design
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Panel discussion and Q&A on topics related to balancing the sometimes conflicting messages of fire prevention, preservation of biodiversity and conservation of resources
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